MCP USA manufactures three major types of barrier structures: CPET (Crystallized PET), APET (Amorphous PET) and PP (Polypropylene). These products are comprised of semi-rigid trays with snap-on lids, to which suitable lidding films can be sealed to the trays. The highly qualified designers and engineers at MCP USA are also able to advise the clients about suitability and availability of filling and sealing machines to suit their demands. The MCP USA facility includes extrusion of the resin, thermoforming and development of new products/ custom made designs, adhering to the highest Quality Assurance. MCP USA strategy is focused on production and cost efficiency. This strategy includes optimization of all stages from resin to the freighting of products to the customer as per their requirements. A highly skilled and experienced team is involved in all stages of new product development, anticipating the market’s needs. MCP USA is recognized for its very high quality and outstanding customer service.